How To Make Summer Pudding
It’s all in the name. Well, it mostly is. This dessert definitely has the summer thing down. The pudding, however, isn’t what you’d typically think. By lining a bowl with pieces of white bread and then letting it soak overnight in a mixture of berries and sugar, this “pudding” really turns into a cake. We know, it sounds totally weird. But you’re going to have to trust us—this quintessential British dish is simply delicious. Learn how to make summer pudding in this online baking class.
Summer Pudding
3 cups fresh strawberries
1 cup fresh raspberries
1 cup fresh blueberries
½ cup fresh blackberries
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon gelatin (optional)
1 loaf of white bread, crust removed
1. Combine the berries and sugar in a sauce pan and warm until the fruit becomes soft. Be careful not to simmer and deduce.
2. Line an 8” pan with plastic wrap and line the outsides and bottom of the pan with the white bread. Pour the berry mixture into the pan and cover the top with the remaining white bread. Cover the top with plastic and weigh down with a cardboard cake circle or a pan with a can on top. Refrigerate overnight.
3. Unmold and decorate with berries and whipped cream.
Note: the bread slices can be left out overnight. Gelatin may be used for a thicker filling. Soften the gelatin with ¼ cup of water and mix into the berry mixture.