Student Spotlight – Anne Gulotta
Meet Anne who is a current Culinary graduate and Pastry Arts student with Escoffier Online International Culinary Academy. We hope you enjoy hearing her story!
1} How did your passion for food begin?
My mom always cooked, and we didn’t eat out very much. My dad traveled so when he was home he looked forward to home cooked meals. I picked up the Julia Child Mastering the Art of French Cooking when I was 15 years old. I took French in high school, and joined an international culinary cooking class. I never had any formal training, but always surrounded myself with people who loved to cook, eat, and drink wine. So, cooking for me was fun. My husband Jay loved to cook, too and he had a real thing for Italian and Mediterranean cooking so we cooked a lot.
2.) What inspired you to join Escoffier Online?
I’m a professional, and my career is demanding so I never had the time for cooking school. When I learned about Escoffier Online I thought it was a perfect opportunity to learn the skill of cooking that I was lacking and could only be learned through a professional cooking school. Escoffier Online allowed me to study during my free time, and I became a weekend warrior which was entertaining for my family and friends. The lesson plans fit easily into my busy schedule.
3) What are your plans now that you have finished the Culinary Program?
To keep cooking! My daughter’s wedding planning has taken me away from cooking and baking this spring, but soon I’ll begin the pastry school which will be a great compliment to the culinary school. I’m an enthusiast at heart, but who knows where my passion will take me?
4) What advice would you give to prospective students?
Don’t be afraid to try. Cooking should be a passion, and learning is a lifelong process when it comes to cooking. There is always more to learn, and when you learn from the best you become the best. The courses are thorough, your chef mentor is always an email or phone call away, and you can work while you’re in school. Escoffier Online will give you the necessary skills to take your passion for cooking to the next level. You’ll be amazed at how much you learn and how fast you can progress through the course work. It was less an effort and more a joy for cooking and learning.
Anne G.
Culinary Graduate and Pastry Arts Student
We thank Anne for sharing her journey with us! Check out more of our student spotlight stories to see why our students chose online training and where they have ended up after completing the online program! If you have a story to share or would like to learn more about our program, please contact us at (877) 452-5489 or [email protected].