Student News: Maintain Your Passion and Tenacity
Attributes of a Successful Escoffier Student
If cooking and baking gives purpose to your life, you will in turn find purpose in your program and assessments. Keep the fire burning. Take pride in your assessments and your creativity. Don’t be afraid to contact our chefs with questions about substituting ingredients. Even after you complete all of the courses at Escoffier Online, be committed to your goals. Chef Candy Wallace, founder of The American Personal and Private Chef Association gave a few tips explaining what employers are looking for in the culinary industry, if you haven’t seen the blog post What Employers Look For, check it out!
The culinary industry has recently been gaining ground but you still need to have focus and discipline in order to succeed. Unlike online instruction, working in a kitchen is more people oriented and you need to be good at following directions. Do everything in your power to get that job at a local restaurant, deli or coffee shop; visit them in person, call personally, volunteer to work unpaid. How bad do you want it?
Click here to view more attributes of a successful Escoffier Student.
To learn more about our program, please contact us at (877) 452-5489 or [email protected].