Keeping Up With – Scholarships, Demos and Restaurant Openings
The Escoffier Online blog brings you industry news, the hottest cooking trends, cooking demonstrations, real chef tips, testimonials and much more. Check out our newest posts of the week!
Top 10 Must-Have Kitchen Ingredients
In this video, Escoffier Online’s Chef Fernando discusses the top 10 ingredients to have on hand in your kitchen for quick recipes. The must-have ingredients consist of the below items. Make sure to keep these top 10 ingredients in your kitchen for a quick and easy recipe at anytime! [Read More…]
Creme Caramel Pastry Demo
Check out Chef Susie’s pastry demo! Chef will demonstrate how to make Crème Caramel step-by-step. View for recipe and follow along video! [Read More…]
Herb Identification Culinary Demo
Check out Chef Mark’s culinary demo! The Chef covers Herb Identification and also prepares a seared center cut lamb chop with herbs for his demonstration. View for recipe and follow along video! [Read More…]
How Top Restaurants Handle No-Shows
If you dream of opening your own restaurant one day, you will inevitably have to deal with reservations and no-shows. While your online cooking school will help you perfect your culinary skills, you might be wondering how to guarantee you have a busy dining room. Here’s a look at how some restaurants combat no-shows every [Read More…]
Second Kitchen Co-op Now Open In Boulder
Boulder is now home to The Second Kitchen (TSK), a food co-op with 120 members. It opened in early September in the space, formerly called Delilah’s Pretty Good Grocery at 904 College Avenue. The co-op’s goals are to provide local and organic food for the community. It sources food from a 250-mile radius, and from [Read More…]
Student Spotlight – Melissa-Rae Jobin
Meet Melissa-Rae who is a Pastry Arts student with Escoffier Online International Culinary Academy. She is recently taking the online program to advance in her career. To learn more about Melissa-Rae I asked her a few questions about how she began in the field and how her journey through the program is going. Here’s what [Read More…]