Hot Home Kitchen Appliances For 2013

If you’re taking culinary courses, you may be thinking first and foremost about food. However, the tools you work with are just as important as the dishes you prepare in them.

Yahoo listed some of the most popular kitchen appliances for the year, from state-of-the-art microwaves to remodeling projects that can make or break a kitchen. Cami Weinstein, a New York-based interior designer, said that if you’ve been going back and forth on whether or not you want to splurge on a new kitchen appliance, 2013 is the year to take the plunge.

“Commercial stoves and stainless steel appliances continue to be used and enjoyed,” Weinstein explained.

In addition to the popular stainless steel trend, she also promoted the use of a hot water dispenser. Whether you want to make a quick cup of hot tea, mix a bouillon cube for stock or simply use hot water for some of your favorite recipes you learned in your online cooking courses, having a quick dispenser can help save you time and space.

In fact, any appliance that saves you space – including microwaves that double as second ovens and warming drawers – are hot new trends in the culinary arts world.

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