Change Up Your Tacos

We all know that there’s a time and place for a classic American taco made with ground beef, steak or chicken, lettuce, tomatoes, cheese and sour cream. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take your online culinary school education to the next level and experiment with your latest taco recipe. Here are a few alternative methods of preparation for your next Taco Tuesday:

Nix the meat
Tacos don’t need to be stuffed with meat when there are enough vegetables to fill you up. These vegetarian tacos from Naturally Ella prove that point. Stuffed with zucchini, summer squash, onion, corn, tomatoes and pepper, sauteed in a mix of spices and topped with homemade avocado cream and feta cheese, you won’t even realize there isn’t any meat in there!

Incorporate summer produce
We’ve heard of mango salsa on tacos, but how about peach? Real Food Whole Life’s turkey tacos are perfectly complemented with a seasonal salsa made with peaches, lime juice, onion, basil and jalapeno for a bit of a bite. If turkey tacos don’t appeal to you, you can use this salsa on just about any other taco as well. Or you can dip your favorite tortilla chips in it!

Combine summer favorites
Pulled pork isn’t just a fantastic option for barbecue; it’s great on tacos as well. Babble suggests seasoning your pork with chili powder, cumin, salt and pepper before pulling it and mixing it with onion, stock and salsa. Once you’ve mixed the meat of your tacos, top it with your favorite fixings.

Add some plantains
Plantains are severely underutilized in American cooking. Rather than using the same old taco toppings, take note from Real Simple and try adding some plantains, red cabbage, scallions and avocado in your steak tacos for something new that’s sure to become a favorite.

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