4 Ways To Serve Healthy Food In The New Year
Now that the new year has arrived, diners around the world have resolved to reduce the size of their waist line. Your online culinary courses have taught you how to make a variety of flavorful dishes that may be rich in fat. However, you can provide healthy options to your diners without loosing taste. Make it your resolution to create and serve meals that are both healthy and delicious.
1. Reduce portion size
Help your weight-conscious diners cut back by serving reasonably sized portions. Instead of making huge bowls of pasta or outrageously large dishes of your best recipe, scale down to a smaller plate. The serving platter itself is one way to help you figure out how much is enough. Instead of placing your amazing meal on a large plate, switch it for a smaller one.
2. Make colorful dishes
A colorful dish is a nutrient-dense one. Add a variety of colors to your meal to ensure your diners are getting plenty of vitamins and minerals. The bright hues provided by the produce you use will also create a more aesthetically pleasing dish. Not only will you be making healthy balanced meals, you’ll also have the components necessary to serve a well-plated dish.
3. Choose better ingredients
Shop for organic, locally grown ingredients to use in your meals this year. Organic food lacks the preservatives, pesticides and hormones found in other varieties. Reach for sea salt, raw sugar or honey to add flavor to your meal rather than bleached sugar or table salt. Avoid farm-raised fish and buy wild varieties instead.
Plant a garden to give yourself total control over the produce you grow. Planting your own seeds grants you full disclosure over the type of fertilizer and pesticides that you use. You won’t have to wonder what the produce was exposed to, as you will be the one making the decisions. As an added bonus, growing your own ingredients is also a money saver.
4. Provide options
Some diners have different diet concerns. By becoming versed in popular trends you’ll have the know-how to serve any type of guest. Many health-conscious eaters prefer lean proteins such as poultry, fish or tofu. Others avoid heavy fats such as full fat milk or butter, and some avoid products with gluten. Create dishes that have one or more of these qualities. When practicing your cooking skills, imagine who will eat the food and what their needs are. This will help you brainstorm more healthful dish ideas.