Fresh Vs. Dried Herbs

Some of the most common ingredients you’ll come across in your culinary arts programs are herbs. Basil, oregano, thyme and rosemary are all common plants that will be essential for the success of your dishes.

However, it can be confusing to figure out whether you need to use dried herbs or fresh herbs for a dish. Not only are some dishes well-suited to one or the other, but the ratios of dried herbs to fresh herbs can sometimes make or break a recipe.

Martha Stewart’s website explained that because dried herbs are typically much more potent than their counterparts, you’ll need less sprinkling with dried herbs – usually three times the amount compared to fresh leaves. For example, if a soup you’re making calls for 1 tablespoon of fresh parsley and you’ve only got the dried kind, you only need to include 1 teaspoon, because 3 teaspoons equals 1 tablespoon.

You may also be wondering when it is appropriate to use dried herbs over fresh herbs while in online culinary school. broke down the basics between the two, but generally said that fresh herbs should be used when you really want the flavors of the herbs to pop. One great example is seafood. If you’re serving smoked salmon, you’ll want fresh dill versus dried dill, since the freshness of dill matches the smoky, oily flavors of the salmon.

Fresh herbs are also excellent  for finishing sauces or dressings. We all know how homemade marinara sauce can really sing with a tablespoon of freshly chopped basil, and roast chicken and potatoes paired with a sprinkling of fresh rosemary seems like a match made in heaven.

Dried herbs, however, are best suited to dishes that need an overall subtle flavor, making them perfect for soups or braises.

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