Student News: Believe and You Will Succeed

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Attributes of a Successful Escoffier Student

Is your glass half empty or half full? The answer to this question will determine how you view new experiences and either help or hinder your ability to succeed before even touching a spatula. Adopting a positive attitude is the very first step every student should take, especially if online education is unfamiliar territory.

When speaking with one of our admissions representatives, you may have talked about a few key people in your life who are supporting the decision to further your education. This support system, along with our chef mentors, technical support and your advisor, will be behind you 100% of the way. As soon as you receive access to the student portal, log in and take a look around even if you don’t get started right away. Make logging in daily a habit to keep up-to-date with the latest messages and announcements about the program. Don’t worry if you have a busy schedule because Escoffier Online is designed as a self-paced program.

Click here to view more attributes of a successful Escoffier Student.

To learn more about our program, please contact us at (877) 452-5489 or [email protected]

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