Smart Jar Makes Grocery Lists A Thing Of The Past
Whether you’re enrolled in culinary arts school online or just out on your weekly trip to the supermarket, almost everyone has experienced a moment of not being sure how much of a specific ingredient they have remaining at home. The Neo Smart Jar, currently being crowd-funded on IndieGoGo, looks to eliminate this confusion in the kitchen. The smart jar is the latest addition to an increasing menagerie of gadgets the encompass the culinary Internet of Things, and has wide range of practical features for any home cook or aspiring chef.
What is the Neo Smart Jar?
The Neo Smart Jar, developed by Madhuri Eunni and her startup SKE Labs, is a container that helps users measure what they are eating and if they are running low on a particular ingredient. The Neo Smart Jar is dishwasher safe and using Bluetooth technology can easily connect with iOS or Android phones, according to the IndieGoGo page. Using built-in sensors, the jar is able to inform users of nutritional facts, recommends recipes based on what ingredients are in your kitchen, syncs with fitness applications, alerts you when an item is going stale and automatically adds items to a virtual shopping list when you’re running low.
Tech Hive notes that the only downside is that the jars cost $60 each, meaning a kitchen set of smart jars isn’t currently the most affordable venture. However, considering all of the features included in the smart jar, this price seems justified. Eunni invented the device to try and more accurately measure the nutrition of smoothies and other meals. Eunni is a vegetarian, and a particular struggle for those on a meatless diet can be getting enough protein. The Neo Smart Jar helps people of all dietary preferences ensure that they are eating the proper amount of protein, fat, carbohydrates, etc.
On the other end of the spectrum, the jar also can serve as a means of portion control. For example, the IndieGoGo page notes that users could fill a jar with candy and the app would provide options for healthy alternatives. Moreover, a user will be able to receive accurate nutritional data based on the amount of candy they consume. This information can thereby encourage users to indulge less often or in smaller portions.
The Neo Smart Jar is airtight, watertight and while the jar itself is clear, the base and lid come in a variety of colors.