Culinary knowledge could benefit book lovers

For the literature enthusiast, taking culinary courses online will help you cook more like your favorite author than ever before. The rise in literary cookbooks is giving avid readers tremendous opportunities to experience food across limitless geographical settings, time periods and imaginary realms. However, cooking from these recipes can be potentially difficult, considering the occasional need for hard-to-find ingredients and distinct cooking environments.

Literary Food
Recently the market has been overrun with over 250 literary cookbooks. These cookbooks vary from beginner to expert, with some requiring significant culinary acumen and knowledge. This is partially due to the general sense of profound literary loyalty of the authors that create these culinary legacies. Infamous authors create specific literary settings and situations within their novels, and  the cookbooks devoted to them are equally specific. So a cookbook dedicated to the world created in”The Hunger Games or “A Song of Ice and Fire”  has unique challenges.

Take for example, “The Hemingway Cookbook”. Author Craig Boreth explains on his website, “The Hemingway Cookbook maintains that traveler’s sensibility, as you follow the author from his hometown to Italy, Paris, Spain, Key West, Africa, Cuba, and Idaho.”

The challenges of utilizing a cookbook of this nature thereby become wide ranging: finding ingredients from each of those locales, knowing how to cook while camping, learning cooking techniques  from Ernest Hemingway’s time period, and even (for the adventurous) locating a lion filet.

Most literary cookbooks contain considerably more reading material than your average cookbook, as they are usually loaded with informative segments that connect the recipe to literature or contain interesting anecdotes from the author’s life. This can potentially lead to increased challenges for book lovers who want to be fully immersed in the experience by recreating the setting and conditions.

Literary Drinks
Interest in literary culture has extended to the realm of drinks as well, with many bartenders referencing literature in the titles of their cocktails  and breweries quoting authors directly on their product packaging. Literary craft cocktails offer as much complexity as the meals that accompany them, and also require adept skill.  Online culinary courses are a good resource to gain keen understanding of these more advanced culinary arts and mixology methods. With the thrilling, niche opportunities a literary cookbook provides, learning proper cooking methods and gaining insight into advanced culinary skills can assist in creating an artful bookish meal.

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