Save The Date For Your Online Graduation: August 2, 2014
Save The Date!
Escoffier Online Graduation Ceremony
August 2, 2014 at 10 am CST
Save the date! This August, we are ecstatic to present our first online graduation for the class of 2014 and past graduates. We invite you to virtually walk through the ceremony with your family and loved ones as you listen to guest speakers like Michel Escoffier, interact in the online procession, sign the interactive guestbook and most importantly, celebrate your profound achievements and bright future. Families separated by states and even countries can all tune in and view the ceremony, something noteworthy for this exciting format. Even more unique, join your classmates from every state and over 25 countries as we virtually bring our global community together for this momentous day. Log in and make history with us August 2, 2014 at 10 a.m CST.
More details to follow about the online graduation.
If you have any questions about the ceremony please contact student services (877) -452-5489 option 3 or email