How To Make Halloween Bark
When October rolls around, a plethora of delicious Halloween recipes flood your Facebook feed, Pinterest boards and email inbox. There’s the adorably decorated cupcakes which tend to be a bit more than most can chew, the ones that are maybe a little too kooky and the others that are…well, let’s just say that they’re better in theory. But then there’s this Halloween bark. This recipe is not only festive, it’s as simple as simple gets. Plus, the possibilities are endless. You can do pretzels, m&m’s, Reese’s pieces, marshmallows, chocolate chips. candy corn, candy eyeballs and anything else you can think up. It can be cute, it can be spooky but it is always absolutely delicious. You can wrap it up and give it as gifts, pass it out to trick-or-treaters or hog it all for yourself. However you do it, we promise this will good.
Follow along with our online baking school chef as we show you how to make this treat, Halloween Bark. Melting chocolate and candy make the ultimate festive indulgence!
Halloween Bark Recipe:
2 packages white melting chocolate
1 package melting chocolate
1 cup mini pretzel sticks, broken
½ cup roughly chopped oreos
¼ cup candy corn
Handful of Reese’s Pieces
1. Using a double boiler or bain marie, place a stainless steel or glass bowl over the pot with simmering water and melt the white chocolate. Stir it constantly until the chocolate ends up smooth.
2. When the white chocolate has fully melted, remove from heat. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper. Pour melted white chocolate in the middle and, smooth to the edges using an offset spatula.
3. Before the chocolate hardens, start adding your toppings. Start with the pretzel sticks, then do the oreos, candy corn and Reese’s Pieces. Using a bain marie again, melt the regular chocolate until completely smooth. When done, drizzle patterns over the bark using a spoon or spatula. You can do as much or as little of this as you want!
4. Place pan in the fridge and let set completely—about 20 minutes. You can also let set at room temperature—about an hour.
5. Break or cut into pieces and enjoy!