How To Make Checkerboard Cookies
We know what you’re thinking. This recipe already seems like a big pain in the you know what. We’ll give it to you as straight as we can—it absolutely isn’t! Checkerboard cookies have a distinguished look without the time consuming factor that most pretty desserts have. Your best friend, as you’ll learn in this video, is going to be a common tool one usually doesn’t use in the kitchen—a ruler! By carefully measuring out the correct sizes for the dough and piecing it all together, you’ll have a gorgeous cookie ready for the oven faster than you can say “checkers.” Well, maybe not that fast but pretty darn close!
Learn along with our pastry arts chef as she shows you how to make these adorable checkerboard cookies! This is going to become one of those staple recipes you can whip up for any occasion.
Checkerboard Cookies
7 oz confectioners’ sugar
7 oz butter
6 eggs, separated
1 tsp vanilla
14 oz all-purpose flour
¼ tsp salt
For the paste
4 tsp cocoa powder
4 tsp flour
2 tsp water
1. Cream the butter and sugar and add the eggs yolks and vanilla and mix until incorporated. Add the flour and salt.
2. Divide the dough in thirds and return one third of the dough to the mixer. Make a paste by adding the water to the cocoa powder and then adding the flour, mix into the dough.
3. Form one inch thick bricks with the chocolate and the other one third of the dough, wrap I plastic and refrigerate until firm, about 2 hours or overnight. Save the remaining on third of vanilla dough for en-robing the cookie.
4. Once the bricks have set cut each in half length ways making two ½ inch pieces. Brush each with egg white and stack alternating flavor’s, wrap and chill until set.
5. Once set cut into ½ inch slices and brush with egg white and stack alternating flavors giving the checkerboard effect.
6. Roll the final piece of dough on plastic and en-robe the stacked dough.
7. Refrigerate until set, cut in 1/8 to ¼ inch thick slices. Bake at 355 degrees for about 20 minutes or until golden brown around the edges, smaller cookies will take less time.