Pesto is one of those universal sauces that just about everyone loves. And how can you not? The fresh basil, Parmesan cheese, pine nuts, olive oil and, of course, garlic mean that this dish was [...]
Necesita de animar sus recetas de pesto? Trate de lanzar algunos tomates secados al sol en la mezcla! Al seguir con los mismos de siempre- Albahaca fresca, ajo, aceite de oliva y queso Parmesano [...]
Need to liven up your pesto recipes? Try throwing some sundried tomatoes into the mix! By sticking with the usual suspects—fresh basil, garlic, olive oil and Parmesan—and then adding sundried [...]
Basil, garlic, pine nuts, olive oil, parmesan cheese. If you can name a collection of ingredients that not only stand alone well but also make for one killer combination, be my guest. If you [...]
Albahaca, ajo, piñones, aceite de olivo, queso parmesano. Si usted puede nombrar una colección de ingredientes que no sólo se destacan así solos pero hacen una combinación extraordinaria, sea [...]